Health - Green beans are kind of nuts that can be Oalah into various types of food. Green beans are very good for growth, that's why in every Posyandu always given green bean porridge. For those of you who wish that your baby is experiencing rapid growth, give it your intake of green bean porridge every day routine. Besides green beans also save a million benefits that are useful for health. Perhaps only a handful of people who know the benefits hidden behind the green beans.
This is the purpose contained in green beans
Sources of Vitamin C
Vitamin C is not only found in oranges and fruits that have a sour taste. In the green beans are also kanduangan vitamin C which greatly helps the immune system in the body. Green beans are also believed to be able to accelerate the healing of some diseases such as colds, flu, fever and sore throat. Well for those of you who often suffer due to extreme weather flue trying to consumption of green beans in the form of a slurry and food lainnya.agar increase your endurance
Lose weight
Green beans are beans that are very low in calories so that you can use to lose weight or diet. The green beans are rich in high fiber that will prolong satiety. This will help you to avoid unhealthy snacking which can increase fats in the body.
nourish the Heart
On the other hand it turns out that green beans are also in your heart healthy. Why is that ? because according to some studies. The content in green dalamkacang able to increase the flexibility of veins and arteries in the heart. This will have an impact on blood pressure and pulse and more regular jantungpun will be stable as normal. Thus you can avoid the health problems of the heart.
Rich Protein
Protein mereupakan a substance that sustain the organs of the body. If the intake of protein in the body is not met or reduced course we can imagine. The body will experience some health problems and it will have an impact on your own health. Consuming green beans is a way to supplement the intake of protein in the body. Green beans in addition to containing high fiber are also believed to have a protein content that does not lose much. Therefore, let's multiply to consume green beans.
Rich Fiber
Fibers contained in the green beans are insoluble fiber and soluble fiber. In which the fibers will help you to unleash the body's metabolism and resolve the name issue sambelit. Besides the soluble fiber found in green beans can also meurunkan levels of bad cholesterol in the body.
Now that's 5 Benefits of green beans. Hopefully this information can help you in increasing food intake in the body
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